Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

I guess I had better write a driving pet peeve since I'm pretty sure there are a lot of those. I'm sure that these won't be unique for the most part. I'll begin with the one that drives me the most crazy.

Basically, the bottom line is that I hate it when cars try to cut in line. Where I live, we have a right lane exit from one freeway onto another freeway. During heavy traffic times, a line develops. The right thing to do is to merge into the right hand lane at the back of the line and proceed through the line. This is not a novel idea. We all learned the line concept by kindergarten at least.

I hate, hate, hate drivers that speed past the line and then at the very last minute jump in in front of a car that is slow pulling forward. Or, even worse, a car that drives to the front of the line and then comes to a complete stop in the next lane with their blinker on trying to get one of the people who did the right thing and waited in line to let them in all the while causing a dangerous situation by being slow or stopped in a moving traffic lane.

My question, which I've posed before, is "who do these people think they are?" Why do they think they are above following the rules of driving, the rules of society in fact, so that they do not have to wait in line like the rest of us? If no one waited in line, it would be chaos. It just wouldn't work at all. There would be increased accidents, it would be dangerous, all these people trying to get over at the same time at the last minute. So, if people have to wait in line for the system to work, everyone has to wait in line. By trying to cut, these people are basically saying that they are more important than everyone else or that where they are going is more important. I call bullshit!

These driving line cutters annoy the hell out of me!