Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday, April 19th, 2010

I can't stand it when people bring their small dogs into public places where dogs are not supposed to be. The first time I saw this was at the Time Warner building in Austin. My roommate at the time and I were standing in a really long line to try to return some equipment and cancel service. This dumb ass girl had brought a poodle in with her. It was on a lease and waiting in line. Poodles have no business being in the Time Warner building. On top of that, people who weren't as appalled as I was kept wanting to pet it and she kept saying, "Oh, she doesn't really like strangers". WTF?!? Why would you bring it to wait in a line full of strangers with you then?!?

So, that first instance was years ago and now I see it all the time. Just last week my husband and I were in Crate and Barrel and this lady was wearing her Pomeranian in a carrier in front of her. In Crate and Barrel. What on earth? Your dog will survive the cruelty of having to stay at home while you run errends. I promise.

Now, would it be a good thing for all places to allow all pets? The answer is clearly "no". Animals use the bathroom whenever they need to, they shed, they have fleas, some people are deathly afraid of them or allergic to them, sometimes they get into fights with other animals. I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect to not have to deal with these things when you are out in public. So, if all animals should not be allowed to roam public places, why do these people think they are different or special somehow?

I think that that is what it is that really gets to me. These spoiled people that can't even be bothered to leave their precious animals at home when they go out into the world like everyone else does. Would I like to have my dog with me all the time? Sure, but it isn't freaking appropriate. Who do these people think they are? I think I am going to start complaining every time I see one of these ridiculous, spoiled dog owners with their dogs. I think I will tell the store owners that I'm allergic or scared or something. I just wish these people would snap out of their special world view and act appropriately like the rest of us. You're not special, in fact, you're annoying!