Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

James Patterson's writing style is my pet peeve; at least his writing style in the few books of his I read back in 2004. Perhaps I read the wrong couple of books, but what I read bordered on being offensive the writing techniques were so poor.

I'm not proud of it, but I like my occasional mystery/suspense/thriller fiction book. I call it my fast food reading. It's not going to make me any smarter, but it is good for some cheap, quick, easy entertainment. I'll indulge in a Dean Koontz novel as often as he writes them in between my heavier "meals" of postmodern fiction and the like.

All that being said, I still want these books to be written with some writing skill! James Patterson pisses me off because in the books I read, the killer ended up being an incredibly minor character. If I remember correctly (and I suppose there is a good chance I'm not) the character was only mentioned once, maybe twice before being reveled as the killer in the end. In my opinion, this does not good writing make!

Obviously this character being the killer was a huge shock. The reader had no idea that it was coming. Why would they? The character was barely introduced and nothing more. Of course the author has all the power in writing the book. It does not demonstrate skill to use that power to pull a fast one on readers. What does take skill is to surprise readers in the end all the while weaving a tale that supports that surprise ending. A skillful writer keeps the reader in suspense and then rewards them with a shocker at the end. The difference is that the reader can then look back and see how this ending was entirely plausible. They ask themselves, "how did I not see this coming?"

This type of writing is not easy but that's why authors are authors. That's why they make a living at it. Suspense created because the reader has no idea what's happening purely because there is no information provided to them until the end is a lot easier. Again, there is a difference between skillfully conveying just enough info to make the ending plausible while not showing your hand so that the reader stays in that state of suspense, and just plain 'ole not providing any support for the ending so the reader is obviously surprised. Keeping a reader completely in the dark is within the author's power but is not indicative of skillful writing. This is why I find James Patterson's writing style in the few books I read really annoying.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Shame on me! After much thought, I think I've been guilty of this pet peeve in the past as well. That really sucks because I was a victim of this pet peeve this morning and I've felt shitty all day. I really hate that I may have done this to someone else.

So here it is. Today I am really annoyed by customers, who are used to a different barista, acting REALLY disappointed that I'm not that other barista. Here are the facts. I own a coffee shop. I employ some really awesome baristas. They share a lot of the responsibility for the success of my coffee shop. I can take pride in my hiring process. It works! I get a pat on the back. This is good for the customers, good for the business, and essentially, good for me.

The only negative side to hiring awesome people is that they can be more awesome than me! I've got a great weekday morning guy. The customers just eat him up; especially the female ones. Whenever he is not working, there are a handful of customers that just get REALLY disappointed that he isn't there. I mean REALLY disappointed. So disappointed that they don't think twice about sharing it with me, the object of their disappointment.

It is no fun to disappoint someone so much just because you are you and not someone else! It doesn't help that I'm the owner which makes me feel entitled to not be a disappointment in my own store. These customers make me feel like saying ridiculous childish things like, "I may not be him, but I'm the owner and I can fire him so you better start being nice to me!"

I think what it comes down to is that everyone wants to feel special. My employee makes these customers feel special because he knows their orders. It makes them feel like "regulars," like they really belong. When he isn't there and I don't know what they want, they feel less special. Unfortunately, they take it out on me which causes me to feel less special and like I don't belong in my own shop! I want the same things they want; everyone just wants to be recognized, feel special, and feel like they belong.

I'm pretty annoyed with these customers bringing me down just because they are down, making me feel like a disappointment just because I'm me and not someone else. I'm equally annoyed because I think I've been guilty of this before! Why can't we all just get along and feel special and warm and fuzzy together since that's what we all want?!?! How annoying!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

I guess I had better write a driving pet peeve since I'm pretty sure there are a lot of those. I'm sure that these won't be unique for the most part. I'll begin with the one that drives me the most crazy.

Basically, the bottom line is that I hate it when cars try to cut in line. Where I live, we have a right lane exit from one freeway onto another freeway. During heavy traffic times, a line develops. The right thing to do is to merge into the right hand lane at the back of the line and proceed through the line. This is not a novel idea. We all learned the line concept by kindergarten at least.

I hate, hate, hate drivers that speed past the line and then at the very last minute jump in in front of a car that is slow pulling forward. Or, even worse, a car that drives to the front of the line and then comes to a complete stop in the next lane with their blinker on trying to get one of the people who did the right thing and waited in line to let them in all the while causing a dangerous situation by being slow or stopped in a moving traffic lane.

My question, which I've posed before, is "who do these people think they are?" Why do they think they are above following the rules of driving, the rules of society in fact, so that they do not have to wait in line like the rest of us? If no one waited in line, it would be chaos. It just wouldn't work at all. There would be increased accidents, it would be dangerous, all these people trying to get over at the same time at the last minute. So, if people have to wait in line for the system to work, everyone has to wait in line. By trying to cut, these people are basically saying that they are more important than everyone else or that where they are going is more important. I call bullshit!

These driving line cutters annoy the hell out of me!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tonight's pet peeve is one that I only developed in the last year. It is also one that makes me feel horrible as I used to be guilty of it. Never again!

So, here's the deal. Planning a wedding is one of the most stressful things you can do. Believe me. I've done a lot of stressful things not least of which was opening my own 24 hour coffee shop with my then fiance. Planning a wedding still ranks way up there.

The bride, any bride, has about a million things to do and remember. She took the time to gather your address, address and send you an invite, write her return address on your RSVP, and even include a stamp on it. Guess what. You are not the only person she did this for. Multiply this times 50, 100, 150, maybe even 200 or more.

So, doing this for you was only one tiny thing on her gigantic to do list before the wedding. What is on your to do list before the wedding? Let's see, you have to check either "attending" or "not attending" and write in a number. Then you have to seal the envelope and walk the RSVP out to your mail box. That's it. The bride even gave you a due date, probably four to six weeks away. Let's see... what else do you have to do? Nothing. Well, perhaps you'll buy a gift, perhaps not, but that is another pet peeve for another day.

Do you know what happens if you don't mark your RSVP and then walk it out to your mailbox? The bride has to track you down along with everyone else who didn't take the time to do the one thing they needed to do. It isn't like she doesn't need the answer. It cost tons per each person attending the wedding. From the chair/table/linen/dishes/silverware rental, to the floral arrangements, to the food, the favors, the programs, the number of cake slices, and the list goes on, each guest costs. The new couple beginning their new lives together would be much better served not wasting all that money on people who couldn't do them the favor of letting them know they wouldn't be able to make it. They need to know this info far enough in advance so that they can let their vendors know (caterers, cake makers, rental companies, etc..).

You might be thinking, "I'm in the clear. I told her I was coming and bringing my new boyfriend when I ran into her at the grocery store." May I remind you that you are not the only one the couple has invited to share in their special day? Remember the multiplying by potentially hundreds of people? Why would you expect the bride, who only has a million other things to tend to, to try to remember the plans of hundreds of people rather than just doing your one little job which she has made so easy for you?

Now that I've been through it, I feel horrible for every RSVP I didn't send in the same day I got it! That doesn't change the fact that I find people who don't send in their wedding RSVPs very annoying!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

I'm really sleepy tonight and considered not making a post. That does not bode well for me keeping this up for a year. Uh-oh. Anyway, I'll make this short and sweet. Impossible you say? Well, I'll give it a shot anyway.

It is really annoying when you give somebody something for free once and then they expect it every time and even worse, they don't tip when they have to pay. This is really not cool. One of my employees gave a guy free coffee once because he was acquainted with the guy's girlfriend. This was not like someone my employee knew well and certainly not someone he should have felt obligated to give free stuff to in any way.

Well, since getting his order free once, the guy now expects it every time he comes in and acts really weird when he gets charged by my employee. On top of acting like he expects it, he no longer tips at all. How rude! There's no way my employee is going to ever give him freebies again if he can't tip when he doesn't get them. That doesn't make anyone want to do anything nice for him. Other people never get anything for free and tip generously. People who do occasionally get something for free are typically grateful and not expectant.

Now whenever this employee of mine and I work together, he has me work the register so that he can avoid the awkward situation of charging the guy. The guy still never tips - how annoying!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday, April 19th, 2010

I can't stand it when people bring their small dogs into public places where dogs are not supposed to be. The first time I saw this was at the Time Warner building in Austin. My roommate at the time and I were standing in a really long line to try to return some equipment and cancel service. This dumb ass girl had brought a poodle in with her. It was on a lease and waiting in line. Poodles have no business being in the Time Warner building. On top of that, people who weren't as appalled as I was kept wanting to pet it and she kept saying, "Oh, she doesn't really like strangers". WTF?!? Why would you bring it to wait in a line full of strangers with you then?!?

So, that first instance was years ago and now I see it all the time. Just last week my husband and I were in Crate and Barrel and this lady was wearing her Pomeranian in a carrier in front of her. In Crate and Barrel. What on earth? Your dog will survive the cruelty of having to stay at home while you run errends. I promise.

Now, would it be a good thing for all places to allow all pets? The answer is clearly "no". Animals use the bathroom whenever they need to, they shed, they have fleas, some people are deathly afraid of them or allergic to them, sometimes they get into fights with other animals. I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect to not have to deal with these things when you are out in public. So, if all animals should not be allowed to roam public places, why do these people think they are different or special somehow?

I think that that is what it is that really gets to me. These spoiled people that can't even be bothered to leave their precious animals at home when they go out into the world like everyone else does. Would I like to have my dog with me all the time? Sure, but it isn't freaking appropriate. Who do these people think they are? I think I am going to start complaining every time I see one of these ridiculous, spoiled dog owners with their dogs. I think I will tell the store owners that I'm allergic or scared or something. I just wish these people would snap out of their special world view and act appropriately like the rest of us. You're not special, in fact, you're annoying!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

If a thing only happens to you once, but it drives you crazy the one time it happens, can it still be considered a pet peeve? Let's say "yes" as I'm sure it would annoy me everytime if it happens in the future.

So, a few days ago, my husband and I went to a reasonably nice restaurant in a nearby city as a special treat to ourselves. The restaurant was beautiful. We were sitting on a scenic outdoor patio; one of many. The food was good and it was only 4:30 in the afternoon, so it was not overly crowded. All of the elements of a lovely afternoon date were blending together over our pleasant meal.

About 15 minutes after we were seated, a group of four was seated at a nearby table. They seemed to be having a pleasant time as well, however, one of the gentlemen kept receiving phone calls on his cell. In what I assume was an effort not to be rude to his dinner guests, the man kept excusing himself from the table and his guests and walking away to take his calls. This must have been nice for his table and would have all been fine and dandy if every time he walked away, he didn't walk directly over to our table and stand only a foot away from me for the duration of his call!

This happened several times. How oblivious could he be? What is the point in having manners when they are executed so poorly?!? We were sitting in the corner of the patio. Right behind our table (and the chatty gentleman) were 5 stairs leading up to a landing from which several more stairs led up to another deck. There was no seating on the landing. Why not complete the socially appropriate gesture and walk up the 5 steps so that his call would not be interrupting anyone's meal. It may be just me, but it seems far more rude to disrupt a stranger's dinner than it does to disrupt your own friend or families meal.

This oblivious disregard for manners during our otherwise lovely meal was really annoying!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

My pet peeve for today is how people think that it is completely acceptable to bring outside food and/or drink into coffee shops. Not only do they think it is OK, but they seem to think it is some sort of right they are entitled to. Some people have to nerve to review a coffee shop poorly or defame it on-line as a result of not being able to bring in outside food and/or drink. Give me a break!

People rarely think it is OK to bring outside food into a restaurant. Who walks into a restaurant with their own food and expects to take up a seat in said restaurant and be allowed to eat it without purchasing anything or perhaps only purchasing a drink? Not very many damn people!

One might naturally ask, how is a coffee shop different than a restaurant then? I'll tell you how they are similar first. They both sell ONLY food and drink. These are the ONLY products they sell. Now, on to how they are different.... 1.) Many coffee shops do not have their own kitchens so they bring pre-packaged foods in from other vendors. This means that the profit margin on said foods is much smaller than the profit margin of restaurants who make their own on site. 2.) Most coffee shops sell only inexpensive items. You will rarely find items that cost over $5.00 and many items cost $2.00 or less. I'd say the average ticket at a coffee shop is around $5.00 where the average ticket at a restaurant is easily four or five times that. 3.) People often spend more time in a coffee shop than a restaurant. It is not unusual for an individual to make a small purchase at a coffee shop but stay for hours and hours on end. In a restaurant, it is unusual for people to stay longer than an hour or two. Because of this, restaurants can turn tables more quickly. 4.) Most coffee shops offer more, let's call them "fringe benefits" than restaurants. It is very rare today to find a coffee shop that doesn't have free wi-fi. In fact, keeping wi-fi reliable and convenient while protecting the business from illegal activities taking place over the coffee shop's network can be a major investment in both time and dollars for the coffee shop. Reliable, convenient, free, wi-fi is the exception for restaurants rather than the norm. It is certainly not a requirement for a restaurant. As mentioned before, coffee shops also offer the benefit of providing a place for someone to read, study, or socialize much longer than restaurants do; in some cases, as long as the customer wishes. 5.) Lastly, I will admit that coffee shops have one advantage on restaurants when it comes to making profits. This advantage is that a percentage of the customers take their orders to go. To-go orders are a way to make profit without the customer "consuming" a table or wi-fi. This benefit is offset by the cost of "to go" products (cups, lids, carrying cases, sleeves, etc.) which cost considerably more than the cost that the restaurant has of washing dishes. The cost is increased even more when the coffee shop caters to it's environmentally conscience customers by buying eco friendly "to go" products. Also, this point is somewhat irrelevant to this rant as customers taking their purchase to go could not by definition consume outside food and drink rather than or in addition to making a purchase while at a coffee shop.

So, in summary, in coffee shops, people are spending less than in restaurants on products that have a slimmer profit margin than restaurants therefore making the shops less money than in restaurants, while staying longer than in restaurants, and often consuming more fringe benefits than in restaurants. But still.... people are offended when they can't bring outside food and/or drink into a coffee shop but would most likely never dream of engaging in the same behavior in a restaurant. WTF?!?

Why are people so spoiled and entitled when it comes to coffee shops but not when it comes to restaurants?!? Where are places you can take your own food? You can take it on a picnic or to your house or to a friend's house..... maybe to work or in your car. None of these places depend on your money to stay open. I'll be straight up. It costs roughly $40,000 A MONTH to run a busy, successful, high quality coffee shop. Do people have any idea how many $1.50 or $2.00 cups of coffee a coffee shop has to sell just to pay the bills? Maybe people don't think about it or maybe people do and they just don't care. Either way, people do not offer coffee shops the same respect they afford to restaurants when it comes to bringing in outside food and/or drink and that annoys me.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

So, I went to small Christian private schools from Kindergarten through my Junior year. This provided me with a great education resulting from a lot of personalized attention and small class sizes. When I say small class sizes, there were rarely more than 20 people in each grade. The schools consisted of preschool through 12th grade, so it was not unusual to go to school with the same people your entire grade school experience. You spent a lot of time with these kids and literally grew up with them.

As I mentioned, these were Christian private schools. I believe that in addition to the quality of education, I benefited from the Christian principles taught in the schools. Since graduating and moving to a different city, I've placed a lot of those values and my relationship with God on the back burner. I'm not proud of this, but that's a different blog altogether.

On to what annoys me! In this day and age of social media, many of my old class mates have found me on facebook or myspace. It seems it does not take long for them to say something really offensive. They'll circulate something about how unjust society is towards white people or they'll use a derogatory term for people that are gay.

Now, I know I moved off to a "liberal school" in a "liberal city" but it just doesn't make sense to me that these people that come from the same Christian background I do should be so judgemental and discriminatory. It gives me impressions of them that I won't go into here. I can't and don't claim to be a wonderful Christian, but it seems elementary not to hate people based solely on a category they fall into. Christ certainly didn't teach hate, but outside of Christianity, plain 'ol good people shouldn't think/feel/act this way.

Why should you have to live in a liberal city to find kindness and acceptance? What is it about my old classmates that causes them to discriminate against groups different than them? I don't believe that that is what we were taught. I've stood up to them a few times and I've been met with excuses or weak arguments supported by more hatred and/or ignorance. There've also been times when I've just deleted them without standing up to them. I regret those times. I also regret that this discrimination adds to a separation between myself and everyone I grew up with.

So, my pet peeve for today is the fact that the most offensive, discriminatory peers in my life come from a group of people that I grew up with. It extends to my inability to understand why they are this way. Finally, the gulf it creates between us (at least in my head) is really annoying.